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Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019IBIEM Analysis of Dynamic Response of a Shallowly Buried Lined Tunnel Based on Viscous-Slip Interface ModelZhou, Xiaojie; Liang, Qinghua; Liu, Zhongxian; He, Ying
2019Identification of Far-Field Long-Period Ground Motions Using Phase DerivativesDai, Minghui; Li, Yingmin; Liu, Shuoyu; Dong, Yinfeng
2019Identifying Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Water Environment Treatment Public-Private Partnership ProjectsLi, Huimin; Xia, Qing; Wen, Shiping; Wang, Lunyan; Lv, Lelin
2020IJERPH: 15th AnniversaryTchounwou, Paul B. (editor)
2021Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central EuropeLorenz, Astrid; Anders, Lisa H.
2019Image Repair Must Get to the Root CausePeters, Rita
2019Image-Based Concrete Crack Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network and Exhaustive Search TechniqueLi, Shengyuan; Zhao, Xuefeng
2019Image-Based Underwater Inspection System for Abrasion of Stilling Basin Slabs of DamLi, Yonglong; Zhang, Hua; Wang, Shuang; Wang, Haoran; Li, Jialong
2021Immunohistochemical ExpressionRosario Caltabiano, Carla Loreto (editors)
2019Impact Energy Consumption of High-Volume Rubber Concrete with Silica FumeLi, Hai-long; Xu, Ying; Chen, Pei-yuan; Ge, Jin-jin; Wu, Fan
2019Impact of Bioactive Peptides on Human HealthMajumder, Kaustav (editor)
2015Impact Of Climatic Factors On Albacore Tuna Thunnus alalunga In The South Pacific OceanSingh, Ashneel Ajay; Sakuramoto, Kazumi; Suzuki, Naoki
2019Impact of Control and Trust on Megaproject Success: The Mediating Role of Social Exchange NormsWang, Dedong; Fang, Shaoze; Fu, Hongwei
2019Impact of distance on the arrivals, behaviours and attitudes of international tourists in Hong Kong: A longitudinal approachManosuthi, Noppadol; Lee, Jin-Soo; Han, Heesup
2021Impact of Industrial Revotion 4.0 on the Labor Market in VietnamNguyen Minh Tri; Doan Thi Nhe
2015Impact of Information Society Research in the Global SouthArul Chib; Julian May; Roxana Barrantes
2014Impact Of Low Temperature Combustion Attaining Strategies On Diesel Engine Emissions For Diesel And Biodiesels: A ReviewS. Imtenan; Varman, H.H; Kalam, M.A.; H. Sajjad; Arbab, M.I.; Fattah, I.M. Rizwanu
2019Impact of Temperature on the Strength Development of the Tailing-Waste Rock Backfill of a Gold MineHan, Bin; Zhang, Shengyou; Sun, Wei
2021Impact Welding of MaterialsGalvão, Ivan; Loureiro, Altino; Mendes, Ricardo (editors)
2021Impacts of Climate Change on Human HealthHeaviside, Clare (editor)