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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 81 tới 100 của 1888
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2015Environmental Impact Of Pharmaceuticals From Portuguese Wastewaters: Geographical and Seasonal Occurrence, Removal And Risk AssessmentAndré M.P.T.Pereira; LilianaJ.G.Silva; LeonorM.Meisel; CelesteM.Lino
2016CRISPR-Cas9: from Genome Editing to Cancer ResearchChen, Si; Sun, Heng; Miao, Kai; Deng, Chu-Xia
2017A New Conceptual Perspective on Circular Economy: preliminarily confirmation of the 7R Principle by adescriptive Case Study in Eastern ChinaJicheng Xing; Joao Silva; Isabel Duarte de Almeida
2017Significance of Safety and Security Issues on Tourism Industry in MalaysiaTan, Chuie-Hong; Chong, Xin-Wei; Ho, Sin-Ban
2020The Dividend DisconnectHartzmark, Samuel M.; Solomon, David H.
2020Stock Returns over the FOMC CycleCieslak, Anna; Morse, Adair; Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette
2020Foreclosure Contagion and the Neighborhood Spillover Effects of Mortgage DefaultsGupta, Arpit
2020Limited Investment Capital and Credit SpreadsSiriwardane, Emil N.
2020How Do Investment Ideas Spread through Social Interaction? Evidence from a Ponzi SchemeRantala, Ville
2020The Globalization Risk PremiumBarrot, Jean-NoeL; Loualiche, Erik; Sauvagnat, Julien
2020Proxy Advisory Firms: The Economics of Selling Information to VotersMalenko, Andrey; Malenko, Nadya
2020Personal Experiences and Expectations about Aggregate OutcomesKuchler, Theresa; Zafar, Basit
2020Do Portfolio Manager Contracts Contract Portfolio Management?"Lee, Jung Hoon; Trzcinka, Charles; Venkatesan, Shyam
2020The Best of Both Worlds: Accessing Emerging Economies via Developed MarketsBae, Joon Woo; Elkamhi, Redouane; Simuti, Mikhail
2020Ratings Quality and Borrowing ChoiceBadoer, Dominique C.; Demiroglu, Cem; James, Christopher M.
2020Reassessing False Discoveries in Mutual Fund Performance: Skill, Luck, or Lack of Power?Andrikogiannopoulou, Angie; Papakonstantinou, Filippos
2020Brokers and Order Flow Leakage: Evidence from Fire SalesBarbon, Andrea; Maggio, Marco Di; Franzoni, Francesco; Landier, Augustin
2020Information Revelation in Decentralized MarketsHagstroer, Bjorn; Menkveld, Albert J.
2020Do Investors Value Sustainability? A Natural Experiment Examining Ranking and Fund FlowsHartzmark, Samuel M.; Sussman, Abigail B.
2020Diagnostic Expectations and Stock ReturnsBordalo, Pedro; Gennaioli, Nicola; Porta, Rafael La; Shleifer, Andrei
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 81 tới 100 của 1888