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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 81 tới 100 của 152
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019A British Childhood? Some Historical Reflections on Continuities and Discontinuities in the Culture of Anglophone ChildhoodJarvis, Pam (editor)
2020New Developments in Christianity in ChinaFrancis Khek Gee Lim
2020Landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Future and the PastIoannis N. Vogiatzakis; Theano S. Terkenli; Maria Gabriella Trovato
2020Witchcraft, Demonology and MagicMarina Montesano
2020Judging Research: How Should Research and Researchers Be Evaluated and Rewarded?Martyn Rittman
2016Recent Advances in Experimental Studies of Social Dilemma GamesAnanish Chaudhuri (editor)
2017Epistemic Game Theory and LogicPaul Weirich (editor)
2018Ageing Population RisksPavel Shevchenko (editor)
2019Public ChoiceFranklin G. Mixon (editor)
2019Sustainable Cultural ManagementŁukasz Wróblewski, Ana Gaio, Ellen Rosewall (editors)
2020Cultural Expertise: An Emergent Concept and Evolving PracticesHolden, Livia
2020Social Safety and SecurityChliaoutakis, Joannes
2020InequalitiesFuruichi, Shigeru
2020Religion, Power, and ResistanceHalafoff, Anna(Ed.); Han, Sam (Ed.); Starkey, Caroline (Ed.)
2020Archaeology and Ancient Israelite ReligionFaust, Avraham (Ed.)
2020Reflective Learning in Higher EducationFeliu, Jordi Colomer (Ed.)
2020After the Anthropocene: Time and MobilityHeikkurinen, Pasi (Ed.); Ruuska, Toni (Ed.); Valtonen, Anu (Ed.)
2020Remote Sensing for Land AdministrationBennett, Rohan (Ed.); Oosterom, Peter van (Ed.); Lemmen, Christiaan (Ed.)
2020New Perspectives on Nationalism in SpainHumlebæk, Carsten Jacob (Ed.); Jiménez, Antonia María Ruiz (Ed.)
2020Higher Education in Innovation EcosystemsCai, Yuzhuo (Ed.); Ma, Jinyuan (Ed.); Chen, Qiongqiong (Ed.)
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 81 tới 100 của 152