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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2020Understanding Travel Behavior: A Study of School Excursion Motivations, Constraints and BehaviorDale, Naomi F.; Ritchie, Brent W.
2020Understanding the importance that consumers attach to social media sharing (ISMS): Scale development and validationDedeoğlu, Bekir Bora; Taheri, Babak; Okumus, Fevzi; Gannon, Martin
2020Promoting Built-for-disaster-purpose Mobile Applications: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review to Increase Their Penetration Rate among TouristsAliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
2020Road and transport infrastructure development and community support for tourism: The role of perceived benefits, and community satisfactionKanwal, Shamsa; Rasheed, Muhammad Imran; Pitafi, Abdul Hameed; Pitafi, Adnan; Ren, Minglun
2020The Camping Climate Index (CCI): The development, validation, and application of a camping-sector tourism climate indexMa, Siyao; Craig, Christopher A.; Feng, Song
2020The Airbnb paradox: Positive employment effects in the hospitality industryDogru, Tarik; Mody, Makarand; Suess, Courtney; McGinley, Sean; Line, Nathaniel D.
2020Using deep learning and visual analytics to explore hotel reviews and responsesChang, Yung-Chun; Ku, Chih-Hao; Chen, Chien-Hung
2020Persistent homology in tourism: Unlocking the possibilitiesChong, Woon Kian; Rudkin, Simon
2020Does good governance attract touristsDetotto, Claudio; Giannoni, Sauveur; Goavec, Claire
2020Tourism as a pathway to livelihood diversification: Evidence from biosphere reserves, EthiopiaBires, Zemenu; Raj, Sahil