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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 461 tới 480 của 1888
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2020Reproducibility in Accounting Research: Views of the Research CommunityHail, Luzi; Lang, Mark; Leuz, Christian
2020Public Attention and Auditor Behavior: The Case of Hurun Rich List in ChinaWu, Donghui; Ye, Quing
2020How Does Using a Mobile Device Change Investors’ Reactions to Firm Disclosures?Grant, S. M.
2020The Effect of Credit Ratings on Disclosure: Evidence from the Recalibration of Moody’s Municipal RatingsGillette, J. R.; Samuels, D.; Zhou, F. S.
2020Strategic Subsidiary DisclosureDyreng, S. D.; Hoopes, J. L.; Langetieg, P.; Wilde, J. H.
2020Why Do Politicians Intervene in Accounting Regulation? The Role of Ideology and Special InterestsBischof, Jannis; Daske, Holger; Sextroh, Christoph J.
2020The Silent Majority: Private U.S. Firms and Financial Reporting ChoicesLisowsky, Petro; Minnis, Michael
2017William N. Goetzmann: Money changes everything—how finance made civilization possibleGupta, Neha
2018Andrew W. Lo: Adaptivemarkets: financial evolution at the speed of thoughtMorke, Mathis
2018Mean–variance and mean–semivariance portfolio selection: amultivariate nonparametric approachSalah, Hanen Ben; Gooijer, Jan G. De; Gannoun, Ali; Ribatet, Mathieu
2018A differential evolution copula-based approach for a multi-period cryptocurrency portfolio optimizationMba, Jules Clement; Pindza, Edson; Koumba, Ur
2018Are financial constraints of corporate activist investors perceived negatively?Ingenohl, Leopold; Kube, Nicolas
2018Financial crises, price discovery, and information transmission: a high-frequency perspectiveFuss, Roland; Stein, Michael; Zhao, Lu
2018Michelle Baddeley: Behavioral economics: a very short introductionRomer, Jonas
2018The dynamic dependence between stock markets in the greater China economic area: a study based on extreme values and copulasHussain, Saiful Izzuan; Li, Steven
2018Portfolio diversification: the influence of herding, status-quo bias, and the gambler’s fallacyFiliz, Ibrahim; Nahmer, Thomas; Spiwoks, Markus; Bizer, Kilian
2018Determinants of municipal loan spreads: empirical evidence from SwitzerlandSigrist, Fabio; Kochli, Patrick; Lengwiler, Christoph
2018Hedge fund incentives, management commitment and survivorshipQiu, Judy; Tang, Leilei; Walter, Ingo
2018Daniel Drescher: Blockchain basics: a non-technical introduction in 25 stepsKube, Nicolas
2018Radu S. Tunaru: Real-Estate Derivatives: From Econometrics to Financial EngineeringRuf, Daniel
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 461 tới 480 của 1888