Vui lòng dùng định danh này để trích dẫn hoặc liên kết đến tài liệu này:
Nhan đề: One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences
Tác giả: Bretislav Friedrich
Dieter Hoffmann
Jürgen Renn
Từ khoá: Anti-plant Chemical Warfare
Chemical Weapons in the Middle East
Military-Industrial Complex
1925 Geneva Protocol
Năm xuất bản: 2016
Nhà xuất bản: Springer
Tóm tắt: On April 22, 1915, the German military released 150 tons of chlorine gas at Ypres, Belgium. Carried by a long-awaited wind, the chlorine cloud passed within a few minutes through the British and French trenches, leaving behind at least 1,000 dead and 4,000 injured. This chemical attack, which amounted to the first use of a weapon of mass destruction, marks a turning point in world history. The preparation as well as the execution of the gas attack was orchestrated by Fritz Haber, the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin-Dahlem. During World War I, Haber transformed his research institute into a center for the development of chemical weapons (and of the means of protection against them).
Mô tả: xi, 408 p. : ill ; CC BY-NC
Định danh:
ISBN: 978-3-319-51664-6
Bộ sưu tập: Công nghệ Kỹ thuật Môi trường_TLNM_SACH

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SA11332_1_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Front matter.pdfFront matter291.03 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_2_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Contents.pdfContents122.2 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_3_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Introduction.pdfIntroduction171.28 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_4_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Part I.pdfResearch on and Deployment of Chemical Weapons in World War I2.02 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_5_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Part II.pdfContexts and Consequences of Chemical Weapons3.57 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_6_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Part III.pdfDual Use, Storage and Disposal of Chemical Weapons Today1.89 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về
SA11332_7_OneHundredYearsOfChemicalWarfa_Part IV.pdfCommemoration Ceremony347.08 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về

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