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2018Analysis and Application on Controlling Thick Hard Roof Caving with Deep-Hole Position Presplitting BlastingChen, Baobao; Liu, Changyou
2019Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Fracture Mechanism and Energy Evolution of Saturated Yellow Sandstone under Different Freeze-Thaw TemperaturesChen, Liang; Mao, Xianbiao; Yang, Shengli; Chao, An; Wu, Peng
2019An Experimental Study of the Uniaxial Failure Behaviour of Rock-Coal Composite Samples with Pre-existing Cracks in the CoalChen, Shaojie; Ge, Yao; Yin, Dawei; Yang, Huisan
2019Experimental Investigation of the Permeability Measurement of Radial Flow through a Single Rough Fracture under Shearing ActionTan, Ran; Chai, Junrui; Cao, Cheng
2019Effect of the Confining Pressure on the Dynamic Compression Properties of Transversely Isotropic RocksOu, Xuefeng; Zhang, Xuemin; Han, Feng; Zhang, Cong; Yang, Junsheng
2019Microcrack Growth Properties of Granite under Ultrasonic High-Frequency ExcitationZhao, Dajun; Zhang, Shulei; Wang, Meiyan
2019A New Method to Estimate the Joint Roughness Coefficient by Back Calculation of Shear StrengthHuan, Jiu-yang; He, Ming-ming; Zhang, Zhi-qiang; Li, Ning
2019Experimental Study on the Creep Behavior of Red Sandstone under Low TemperaturesSong, Yongjun; Zhang, Leitao; Yang, Huimin; Ren, Jianxi; Che, Yongxin
2019Mechanism of Dynamic Failure in Roadways with Thick and Competent Roof Strata: A Case StudyGuo, Jinshuai; Ma, Liqiang; Ju, Feng; Zhang, Chengguo; Wang, Fangtian, ... [et al.]
2019Microscopic Characteristics of Fractured Sandstone after Cyclic Freezing-Thawing and Triaxial Unloading TestsNi, Xiaohui; Shen, Xiaomei; Zhu, Zhende