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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Bond Behavior of CRACFST Columns after Exposure to Elevated TemperaturesHu, Peng; Liang, Jiong-Feng
2019Correlation between the Joint Roughness Coefficient and Rock Joint Statistical Parameters at Different Sampling IntervalsHuang, Man; Xia, Cia-chu; Sha, Peng; Ma, Cheng-rong; Du, Shi-gui
2019Augmented Reality for Identifying Maintainability Concerns during DesignKhalek, Imad A; Chalhoub, Jad M; Ayer, Steven K
2019Correlation of Surface Cracks of Concrete due to Corrosion and Bond Strength (between Steel Bar and Concrete)Apostolopoulos, Charis Alk; Koulouris, Konstantinos F.; Apostolopoulos, Alkiviadis Ch.
2019Crack Initiation, Propagation, and Coalescence Experiments in Sandstone Brazilian Disks Containing Pre-Existing FlawsZhao, Shijun; Zhang, Qing; Liu, Limin
2019Analysis of the Seismic Demand of High-Performance Buckling-Restrained Braces under a Strong Earthquake and Its AftershocksXie, Luqi; Wu, Jing; Huang, Qing; Tong, Chao
2019Dynamic Surface Subsidence Characteristics due to Super-Large Working Face in Fragile-Ecological Mining Areas: A Case Study in Shendong Coalfield, ChinaChen, Chao; Hu, Zhenqi; Wang, Jin 3; Jia, Jitang
2019Connection between Relationship Quality and Megaproject Success: Moderating Role of Contractual FunctionsWang, Dedong; Lu, Yongqiang; Fang, Shaoze
2019Experimental Study on the Deterioration Rules of Anchoring Performance of Rock Mass under Different Joints DistributionDing, Wantao; Hou, Minglei; Chen, Lei; Liu, Keqi; Chen, Rui [et al.]
2019Experimental Investigation of the Deformation Characteristics of Tianjin Clays under Coupled Dynamic Stress and Seepage FieldsLei, Huayang; Feng, Shuangxi; Jia, Rui; Jiang, Mingjing