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Kết quả 31-40 của 57.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Fragility Analysis of a Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge Based on Structural Health Monitoring DataCheng, Yuyao; Zhang, Jian; Wu, Jiajia
2019Investigation of Pore Structure and Water Imbibition Behavior of Weakly Cemented Silty MudstoneWang, Shuai; Han, Lijun; Meng, Qingbin; Jin, Yuhao; Zhao, Weisheng
2019A Modified Newmark Method for Calculating Permanent Displacement of Seismic Slope considering Dynamic Critical AccelerationCui, Yulong; Liu, Aijuan; Xu, Chong; Zheng, Jun
2019Loading Rate Effect of Rock Material with the Direct Tensile and Three Brazilian Disc TestsGong, Fengqiang; Zhang, Le; Wang, Shanyong
2019Project Benefits of Digital Fabrication in Irregular-Shaped BuildingsHam, Namhyuk; Lee, Sanghyo
2019Prediction of Concrete Compressive Strength and Slump by Machine Learning MethodsCihan, M Timur
2015Effect Of Different Irrigation Methods Using Treated Wastewaters On The Distribution Of Traces Elements On Two Different Soil TexturesKhawla, Khaskhoussy; Besma, Kahlaoui; Omar, Jozdan; Dakheel, Abdullah; Mohamed, Hachicha
2019A Framework to Assess the Seismic Resilience of Urban HospitalsYu, Peng; Wen, Weiping; Ji, Duofa; Zhai, Changhai; Xie, Lili
2019Numerical Simulation of Surface Subsidence and Backfill Material Movement Induced by Underground MiningLi, Xibing; Wang, Dongyi; Li, Chongjin; Liu, Zhixiang
2019Evaluation of Geomembrane Effect Based on Mobilized Shear Stress due to Localized SinkingLu, Weihua; Zhang, Yongxing; Liu, Weizheng; Liu, Cheng; Wang, Haibo