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2018Analysis Method for Reinforcing Circular Openings in Isotropic Homogeneous Plate-Like Structures Subjected to Blast LoadingMendes, Sebastian; Cao, Liling
2018The Assessment and Evolution of Water-Conducting Rules under the Influence of Mining-Induced StressFeng, Feisheng; Peng, Suping; Du, Wenfeng; He, Yunlan; Chong, Shan
2019Comparative Study on the Test Method for Tensile Elastic Modulus of Rock MaterialsZhang, Yan; Yu, Dawei
2019Cutting-Caving Ratio Optimization of Fully Mechanized Caving Mining with Large Mining Height of Extremely Thick Coal SeamWang, Kai; Zhao, Tong; Yetilmezsoy, Kaan; Zhang, Xiaoqiang
2018Analytical Solution of Tunnel Surrounding Rock for Stress and Displacement Based on Lade–Duncan CriterionZhu, MingZheng; Yang, Yugui; Gao, Feng; Liu, Juan
2019An Experimental Study of the Uniaxial Failure Behaviour of Rock-Coal Composite Samples with Pre-existing Cracks in the CoalChen, Shaojie; Ge, Yao; Yin, Dawei; Yang, Huisan
2019Evolution Rules of Fractures for Mudstone under Compression Shear Load and the Fractal Characteristics of Broken BlocksChai, Zhaoyun; Bai, Jinbo; Zhang, Haiyang; Pan, Yang
2019Prediction of the Shear Failure of Opened Rock Fractures and Implications for Rock Slope Stability EvaluationLi, Yingchun
2019Analysis of Longitudinal Mechanical Properties of Buried Suspended Pipeline Resisting CollapseLin, Yujian; Lv, Yanping; Liu, Xu; Chen, Fuquan
2019Influence of Incremental Impact on the Damage of Coal-Rock under Unidirectional ConstraintZhao, Hongbao; Zhang, Huan; Li, Jinyu; Ju, Nansong; Wen, Zhijie