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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
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2019Crack Initiation, Propagation, and Coalescence Experiments in Sandstone Brazilian Disks Containing Pre-Existing FlawsZhao, Shijun; Zhang, Qing; Liu, Limin
2019An Experimental Study of the Uniaxial Failure Behaviour of Rock-Coal Composite Samples with Pre-existing Cracks in the CoalChen, Shaojie; Ge, Yao; Yin, Dawei; Yang, Huisan
2019Experimental Study of the Pore Structure Deterioration of Sandstones under Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Chemical ErosionLi, Jielin; Kaunda, Rennie B; Zhu, Longyin; Zhou, Keping; Gao, Feng
2019Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Steel Fibers on the Flexural Behavior and Ductility of High-Strength Concrete Hollow BeamsAbbass, Ahmmad; Abid, Sallal; Mustafa, Ozakca,
2019Experimental Investigation into the Bedding Plane Slip Effect on the Overlying Strata Behavior in Longwall Top Coal Caving of Soft Coal SeamLiu, Hengfeng; Zhang, Jixiong; Zhou, Nan; Sun, Qiang; Li, Meng
2019Method to Calculate Working Surface Abutment Pressure Based on Key Strata TheoryHan, Hongkai; Xu, Jialin; Wang, Xiaozhen; Xie, Jianlin; Xing, Yantuan
2019Microscopic Characteristics of Fractured Sandstone after Cyclic Freezing-Thawing and Triaxial Unloading TestsNi, Xiaohui; Shen, Xiaomei; Zhu, Zhende
2019Investigation of Pore Structure and Water Imbibition Behavior of Weakly Cemented Silty MudstoneWang, Shuai; Han, Lijun; Meng, Qingbin; Jin, Yuhao; Zhao, Weisheng
2019Effects of Constant Amplitude Cyclic Loading on the Nonuniform Deformation of Sandstone SpecimensYang, Xiao-Bin; Han, Xin-Xing; Wang, Xiao-Yao; Zhang, Zi-Peng
2019Geomaterials in Geotechnical EngineeringDeng, Yongfeng; Zhou, Annan; Yu, Xinbao; Chen, Yonggui; Zhang, Dingwen