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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2003English Language Learning and Technology: Lectures on Applied Linguistics in the Age of Information and Communication TechnologyChapelle, Carol A.
2002George III: King and Politician, 1760-1770Thomas, Peter D. G.
2004English grammar in familiar lectures : accompanied by a compendium : embracing a new systematic order of parsing, a new system of punctuation, exercises in false syntax, and a system of philosophical grammar in notes : to which are added an appendix, and a key to the exercises : designed for the use of schools and private learnersKirkham, Samuel
2005A Grammar of the English TongueJohnson, Samuel
2004Higher lessons in English : a work on English grammar and composition, in which the science of the language is made tributary to the art of expression : a course of practical lessons carefully graded, and adapted to every day use in the school-roomReed, Alonzo; Kellogg, Brainerd
2004Graded lessons in English : an elementary English grammar consisting of one hundred practical lessons, carefully graded and adapted to the class roomKellogg, Brainerd; Reed, Alonzo
2006Lectures on language, as particularly connected with English grammar : designed for the use of teachers and advanced learnersBalch, William S.
2005Contes et historiettes à l'usage des jeunes enfantsCarraud, Zulma
2004Language An Introduction to the Study of SpeechSapir, Edward
2004French Conversation and CompositionWann, Harry Vincent