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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 141 tới 160 của 189
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2003West Indian intellectuals in BritainSchwarz, Bill
2005The story of the living machine: a review of the conclusions of modern biology in regard to the mechanism which controls the phenomena of living activity.Conn, H. W.
2006Spherical trigonometry, for the use of colleges and schools.Todhunter, I.
2008How to Draw a Straight LineKempe, A.B.
2010Elements of plane trigonometry : for the use of the junior class of mathematics in the University of GlasgowBlackburn, Hugh
2018The Logic of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and Provice of the Theory of Probability - 3rd ed.Venn, John
2005Chance and luck: a discussion of the laws of luck, coincidences, wagers, lotteries, and the fallacies of gambling; with notes on poker and martingales.Proctor, Richard
2014A treatise on probabilityKeynes, John Maynard
2012Theory of Groups of Finite OrderBurnside, William
2012The Integration of Functions of a Single VariableHardy, G. H.; Hall, P.; Smithies, F. (editor)
2013On the Study and Difficulties of MathematicsMorgan, Augustus De
2006Introduction to Infinitesimal AnalysisVeblen, Oswald; Lennes, N. J.
2012Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral CalculusMorgan, Augustus De
2012Calculus made easy : being a very-simplest introduction to those beautiful methods of reckoning which are generally called by the terrifying names of the differential calculus and the integral calculusThompson, Silvanus
2009An Elementary Treatise on Fourier's Series and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics With Applications to Problems in Mathematical PhysicsByerly, William Elwood
2006The Number-System of Algebra - 2nd ed.Fine, Henry
2011The First Steps in AlgebraAlbert, George
2016On Multiple AlgebraGibbs, Josiah Willard
2008An Introduction to Nonassociative AlgebrasSchafer, Richard D.
2012A Review of AlgebraRivenburg, Romeyn Henry
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 141 tới 160 của 189