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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorHaynes, Jeffrey (Ed.)-
dc.descriptionvii, 216p. ; 2.864 Kb ; CC BY-NC-ND ;
dc.description.abstractThis introductory article examines interactions between religious entities in relation to peace and conflict and sets the scene for the articles comprising this
dc.publisherMDPI Booksvi
dc.titlePeace, Politics, and Religionvi
Bộ sưu tập: Xã hội học_TLNM_SACH

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Cover1.61 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
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Contents519.37 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_3.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 1.pdf
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Introductory Thoughts about Peace, Politics and Religion582.21 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_4.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 2.pdf
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Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It?639.47 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_5.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 3.pdf
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What Can Faith-Based Forms of Violent Conflict Prevention Teach Us About Liberal Peace?618.65 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_6.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 4.pdf
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Religion and Peace—Anatomy of a Love–Hate Relationship599.38 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_7.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 5.pdf
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Religious Engagement and the Migration Issue: Towards Reconciling Political and Moral Duty641.03 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_8.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 6.pdf
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Reassessing Religion and Politics in the Life of Jagjivan R¯am638.74 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_9.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 7.pdf
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Israelijew Jewisraeli: Yoram Kaniuk’s Adam Resurrected and the Problem of the Human645.21 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_10.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 8.pdf
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When Piety Is Not Enough: Religio-Political Organizations in Pursuit of Peace and Reconciliation in Zimbabwe617.69 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_11.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 9.pdf
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‘Go and Prophesy in Your Own Land’: Foreign Prophets and Popularism in South Africa. Evoking the Need of Jonathanic Theology for Peaceful Resolution of Difference601.71 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_12.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 10.pdf
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Challenges of Countering Terrorist Recruitment in the Lake Chad Region: The Case of Boko Haram731.94 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_13.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 11.pdf
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Why Is There So Little Shia–Sunni Dialogue? Understanding the Deficit of Intra-Muslim Dialogue and Interreligious Peacemaking627.88 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_14.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 12.pdf
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Catholic Mediation in the Basque Peace Process: Questioning the Transnational Dimension623.28 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA11223_15.Peace_Politics_and_Religion.Chapter 13.pdf
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International Religious Freedom Promotion and US Foreign Policy629.01 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu

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