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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorWing-Keung Wong (editor)-
dc.description384 p. : ill. ; 15.2 MB DOI:; CC BYvi
dc.description.abstractThe topics studied in this Special Issue include a wide range of areas in finance, economics, tourism, management, marketing, and education. The topics in finance include stock market, volatility and excess returns, REIT, warrant and options, herding behavior and trading strategy, supply finance, and corporate finance. The topics in economics including economic growth, income poverty, and political
dc.subjectMathematical Financevi
dc.subjectMathematical Economicsvi
dc.titleSustainability of the Theories Developed by Mathematical Finance and Mathematical Economics with Applicationsvi
Bộ sưu tập: Kinh doanh và Kinh tế_TLNM_SACH

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SA10270_1. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Cover.pdf
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Cover771.27 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_2. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Contents.pdf
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Contents519.05 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_3. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_About the Special Issue Editor.pdf
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About the Special Issue Editor502.39 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_4. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Preface.pdf
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Preface521.3 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 1.pdf
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Financial Credit Risk Evaluation Based on Core Enterprise Supply Chains404.75 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 2.pdf
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Why Are Warrant Markets Sustained in Taiwan but Not in China?490.1 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 3.pdf
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An Event Study Analysis of Political Events, Disasters, and Accidents for Chinese Tourists to Taiwan2.17 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 4.pdf
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Confucius and Herding Behaviour in the Stock Markets in China and Taiwan485.52 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 5.pdf
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An Analysis of Gains to US Acquiring REIT Shareholders in Domestic and Cross-Border Mergers before and after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis240.49 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 6.pdf
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Organizational Climate and Work Style: The Missing Links for Sustainability of Leadership and Satisfied Employees588.62 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 7.pdf
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Information Disclosure Ranking, Industry Production Market Competition, and Mispricing: An Empirical Analysis278.05 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 8.pdf
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Equity Return Dispersion and Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from Multivariate Linear and Nonlinear Causality Tests474.71 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 9.pdf
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Variance and Dimension Reduction Monte Carlo Method for Pricing European Multi-Asset Options with Stochastic Volatilities379.25 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 10.pdf
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The Impact of Market Condition and Policy Change on the Sustainability of Intra-Industry Information Diffusion in China308.5 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 11.pdf
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Relationship among HIV/AIDS Prevalence, Human Capital, Good Governance, and Sustainable Development: Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa313.77 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 12.pdf
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Size, Internationalization, and University Rankings: Evaluating and Predicting Times Higher Education (THE) Data for Japan1.11 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 13.pdf
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Inclusive Financial Development and Multidimensional Poverty Reduction: An Empirical Assessment from Rural China259.96 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 14.pdf
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Macroeconomic Shocks and Changing Dynamics of the U.S. REITs Sector1.88 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 15.pdf
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The Three Musketeers Relationships between Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen Before and After Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect1.71 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 16.pdf
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A Sustainability-Oriented Enhanced Indexation Model with Regime Switching and Cardinality Constraint326.28 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 17.pdf
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Fake News and Propaganda: Trump’s Democratic America and Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Germany1.07 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10270_5. Sustainability_of_the_Theories_Developed_Article 18.pdf
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