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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorClaudia Kemfert, Christian Breyer, Pao-Yu Oei (editors)-
dc.descriptionxvii, 335 p. : ill. ; 55.4 MB ; DOI: ; CC BYvi
dc.description.abstractEnergy markets are already undergoing considerable transitions to accommodate new (renewable) energy forms, new (decentral) energy players, and new system requirements, e.g. flexibility and resilience. Traditional energy markets for fossil fuels are therefore under pressure, while not-yet-mature (renewable) energy markets are emerging. As a consequence, investments in large-scale and capital intensive (traditional) energy production projects are surrounded by high uncertainty, and are difficult to hedge by private entities. To address these increasing uncertainties and complexities, economic analysis, forecasting, modeling and investment assessment require fresh approaches and views. The aim of this Special Issue is to collect research papers that address the above issues using novel methods from any adequate perspective, including economic analysis, modeling of systems, behavioral forecasting, and policy
dc.subjectRenewable Energyvi
dc.subjectIntegration Of Renewables Into Power Systemsvi
dc.subjectManaging Multi-Sectoral Electrificationvi
dc.subjectEmission Energyvi
dc.title100% Renewable Energy Transition: Pathways and Implementationvi
Bộ sưu tập: Kinh doanh và Kinh tế_TLNM_SACH

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Contents522.87 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
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About the Special Issue Editors507.36 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
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SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 1.pdf
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The Impacts of High V2G Participation in a 100% Renewable Åland Energy System3.39 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 2.pdf
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Building a Community of Users for Open Market Energy3.35 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 3.pdf
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Exploring Energy Pathways for the Low-Carbon Transformation in India—A Model-Based Analysis4.62 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 4.pdf
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Resilient and Immune by Design Microgrids Using Solid State Transformers5.56 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 5.pdf
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Capacity Expansion Pathways for aWind and Solar Based Power Supply and the Impact of Advanced Technology—A Case Study for Germany4.31 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
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SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 7.pdf
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SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 8.pdf
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SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 9.pdf
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SA10083_5. 100%_Renewable_Energy_Transition_Article 13.pdf
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