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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorGajęcki, Maciej (editor)-
dc.contributor.authorMagdalena, Gajęcka (editor)-
dc.contributor.authorZielonka, Łukasz (editor)-
dc.description242 p. : ill. ; 39 Mbvi
dc.description.abstractThe resulting knowledge will deepen our understanding of mycotoxins’ impact on animal health, and it will facilitate decision making in risk
dc.subjectAnimal pathologyvi
dc.subjectDetection diagnosticsvi
dc.subjectGastrointestinal tractvi
dc.subjectIntestinal microbiomevi
dc.subjectIntestinal mycobiomevi
dc.subjectIntestinal genotoxicityvi
dc.titleMycotoxins Occurence in Feed and Their Influence on Animal Healthvi
Bộ sưu tập: Công nghệ Sinh học_TLNM_SACH

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SA9825_1_Mycotoxins Occurence_Covers.pdf
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Covers1.55 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_2_Mycotoxins Occurence_Contents.pdf
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Contents543.61 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_3_Mycotoxins Occurence_The Presence.pdf
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The Presence of Mycotoxins in Feed and Their Influence on Animal Health584.8 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_4_Mycotoxins Occurence_Mycotoxins.pdf
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Mycotoxins and the Enteric Nervous System872.65 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_5_Mycotoxins Occurence_Co-Occurrence.pdf
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Co-Occurrence of DON and Emerging Mycotoxins in Worldwide Finished Pig Feed and Their Combined Toxicity in Intestinal Cells7.37 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_7_Mycotoxins Occurence_Deoxynivalenol.pdf
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Deoxynivalenol Induces Inflammatory Injury in IPEC-J2 Cells via NF-κB Signaling Pathway5.35 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_8_Mycotoxins Occurence_Effects of Deoxynivalenol.pdf
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Effects of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone on the Histology and Ultrastructure of Pig Liver9.2 MBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_9_Mycotoxins Occurence_Imbalance.pdf
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Imbalance in the Blood Concentrations of Selected Steroids in Pre-pubertal Gilts Depending on the Time of Exposure to Low Doses of Zearalenone827.73 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_10_Mycotoxins Occurence_The Effect.pdf
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The Effect of Zearalenone on the Cytokine Environment, Oxidoreductive Balance and Metabolism in Porcine Ileal Peyer’s Patches668.24 kBAdobe PDFXem/Tải về  Yêu cầu tài liệu
SA9825_11_Mycotoxins Occurence_The Effect.pdf
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