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Kết quả 1-10 của 15.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Influence of Small, Clear Distance Cross-Tunnel Blasting Excavation on Existing Tunnel belowDuan, Baofu; Gong, Weizeng; Ta, Guoshan; Yang, Xuxu; Zhang, Xuewei
2019Experimental Study on the Structural Performance Degradation of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete BeamsJu-Seong, Jung; Lee, Bang Yeon; Kang-Seok, Lee
2019Experimental Study on a New Reinforcement Method for Multilayer Industrial Building’s VibrationXie, Kaizhong; Wang, Hongwei; Zhou, Jianxi; Luo, Xiao; Yue, Miao
2019Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Bolted Beam-Column Connections with Different Structural FormsYang, Rongqian; Zhou, Xuejun
2019A Framework to Assess the Seismic Resilience of Urban HospitalsYu, Peng; Wen, Weiping; Ji, Duofa; Zhai, Changhai; Xie, Lili
2019Influence of Geometrical Parameters on Performance of Grouted Mortise and Tenon Joints for Application in Prefabricated Underground StructuresYang, Xiuren; Shi, Zhongheng; Lin, Fang
2019Experimental Research on Antiseismic Performance of High-Strength Concrete High-Shear Walls with Built-In Steel PlatesYu, Yu; Gan, Min; Zhang, Yan; Li, Liren; Zhang, Huakun
2019Natural Hazards Challenges to Civil EngineeringRodrigues, Hugo; Abrahamczyk, Lars; Barbosa, André R; Shi, Haiyun; Ferreira, Tiago Miguel
2019Multidimensional Fragility Analysis for a NEES Frame Structure by Integrating a New Energy Damage Index: Cumulative Plastic StrainWang, Qiang; Wu, Ziyan
2019Lever-Type Tuned Mass Damper for Alleviating Dynamic ResponsesLee, Eun-Taik; Eun, Hee-Chang