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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Developed Mathematical Model for Indeterminate Elements with Variable Inertia and Curved Elements with Constant Cross-SectionEl Zareef, Mohamed A.; El Madawy, Mohamed E.; Ghannam, Mohamed
2019Mechanical Modeling of Roof Fracture Instability Mechanism and Its Control in Top-Coal Caving Mining under Thin Topsoil of Shallow Coal SeamGong, Peilin; Zhao, Tong; Yetilmezsoy, Kaan; Kang, Yi
2019Influences of Urban Viaduct Pier Caps on Uneven Settlement of RoadbedHu, Bin; Li, Xiaoqing; Zheng, Lifei
2019Monitoring and Identification of Vibration Frequencies on a Portion of México City Metro Line 12García-Illescas, Miguel Ángel; Murià-Vila, David; Alvarez-Icaza, Luis
2019Evaluation of 3D Nonlinear Earthquake Behaviour of the Ilısu CFR Dam under Far-Fault Ground MotionsKaralar, Memduh; Çavuşli, Murat
2019A Predictive Model for Damage Assessment and Deformation in Blast Walls Resulted by Hydrocarbon ExplosionsAleyaasin, Majid
2019Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Bolted Beam-Column Connections with Different Structural FormsYang, Rongqian; Zhou, Xuejun
2019Multiobjective Optimization Design for Structural Parameters of TBM Disc Cutter Rings Based on FAHP and SAMPGALin, Laikuang; Xia, Yimin; Wu, Dun
2019Numerical Simulation of Surface Subsidence and Backfill Material Movement Induced by Underground MiningLi, Xibing; Wang, Dongyi; Li, Chongjin; Liu, Zhixiang
2019Influence of Geometrical Parameters on Performance of Grouted Mortise and Tenon Joints for Application in Prefabricated Underground StructuresYang, Xiuren; Shi, Zhongheng; Lin, Fang