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Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Experimental Investigation on Fracture Evolution in Sandstone Containing an Intersecting Hole under Compression Using DIC TechniqueWu, Hao; Zhao, Guoyan; Liang, Weizhang; Wang, Enjie; Ma, Shaowei
2019Experimental Investigation into the Bedding Plane Slip Effect on the Overlying Strata Behavior in Longwall Top Coal Caving of Soft Coal SeamLiu, Hengfeng; Zhang, Jixiong; Zhou, Nan; Sun, Qiang; Li, Meng
2019Microscopic Characteristics of Fractured Sandstone after Cyclic Freezing-Thawing and Triaxial Unloading TestsNi, Xiaohui; Shen, Xiaomei; Zhu, Zhende
2019Effects of the Loading and Unloading Conditions on Crack Propagation in High Composite Slope of Deep Open-Pit MineChang, Zhiguo; Cai, Qingxiang; Jiskani, Izhar Mithal; Wang, Rui
2019Investigation of the Load-Sharing Theory of the RC Pipes Rehabilitated with Slip LinersLi, Bai-jian; Zhu, Liang-sheng; Fu, Xin-sha
2019Experimental and Numerical Study on the Capability Behavior of a Thick-Walled Spatial Cast-Steel Joint under Complex Load ConditionsZhang, Binghan; Yang, Bin; Wu, Tiankai; Zhu, Dayu; Lei, Ke
2019Exploration of Mechanical Behaviors of Argillaceous Siltstone through Photoelastic Model Test and DEM ModellingLi, Weike; Han, Jianqiang; Cui, Jie; Luo, Weili; Zheng, Guangzao
2019Numerical Simulation and Microscopic Stress Mechanism for the Microscopic Pore Deformation during Soil CompressionTao, Gaoliang; Peng, Wan; Xiao, Henglin; Wu, Xiaokang; Chen, Yin