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Kết quả 1-10 của 18.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Artificial Seismic Source Field Research on the Impact of the Number and Layout of Stations on the Microseismic Location Error of MinesJia, Bao-xin; Zhou, Lin-li; Pan, Yi-shan; Chen, Hao
2018Assessment of Blasting-Induced Ground Vibration in an Open-Pit Mine under Different Rock PropertiesYin, Zhi-qiang; Hu, Zu-xiang; Wei, Ze-di; Zhao, Guang-ming; Ma, Hai-feng
2018Coal Temperature Variation Mechanism during Gas Desorption ProcessYang, T;; Nie, B S; Ye, Q S; Chen, P.
2019Influences of Water Vapor on Roof Fall Accidents in Selected Underground Coal Mines in MalawiYasidu, Umali M; Fujii, Yoshiaki; Kodama, Jun-ichi; Fukuda, Daisuke; Maneya, George J, ... [et al.]
2019Evaluation of the Active Support and Yielding Bearing Properties of Artificial Pillars Supporting a Stope Roof Using 3DEC Numerical SimulationLi, Kunmeng; Li, Kunmeng; Jing, Hongdi
2019Mechanism of Dynamic Failure in Roadways with Thick and Competent Roof Strata: A Case StudyGuo, Jinshuai; Ma, Liqiang; Ju, Feng; Zhang, Chengguo; Wang, Fangtian, ... [et al.]
2019An Experimental Study of Seepage Properties in Crushed Sandstone and MudstoneQi-Le, Ding; Shuai-Bing Song
2019Effects of the Loading and Unloading Conditions on Crack Propagation in High Composite Slope of Deep Open-Pit MineChang, Zhiguo; Cai, Qingxiang; Jiskani, Izhar Mithal; Wang, Rui
2019Experimental Investigation of Energy Evolution in Sandstone Failure during Triaxial Unloading Confining Pressure TestsYang, Rui; Ma, Depeng; Yang, Yongjie
2019Failure Prediction of Two Types of Rocks Based on Acoustic Emission CharacteristicsSun, Bing; Hou, Shanshan; Xie, Jiehui; Zeng, Sheng