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Kết quả 1-10 của 32.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Calculation and Control Methods for Equivalent Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Based on Nonuniform Distribution of StressYao, Yongsheng; Qian, Junfeng; Li, Jue; Zhang, Anshun; Peng, Junhui
2019Dynamic Response Analysis of Lateral Impact Force of Frame Wharf with Rock-Socketed Piles in Inland River Steel SheathZhang, Xiaolong; Duan, Bingchuan; Wang, Chengzhi; Wang, Duoyin
2019Combined Early Warning Method for Rock Burst and Its Engineering ApplicationQin, Zhongcheng; Tan, Li; Li, Qinghai; Chen, Guangbo; Cao, Bin
2019Mechanical Modeling of Roof Fracture Instability Mechanism and Its Control in Top-Coal Caving Mining under Thin Topsoil of Shallow Coal SeamGong, Peilin; Zhao, Tong; Yetilmezsoy, Kaan; Kang, Yi
2019Influence of Small, Clear Distance Cross-Tunnel Blasting Excavation on Existing Tunnel belowDuan, Baofu; Gong, Weizeng; Ta, Guoshan; Yang, Xuxu; Zhang, Xuewei
2019Model Tests of Earth Pressure on Buried Rigid Pipes and Flexible Pipes underneath Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)Ma, Qiang; Ku, Zhun; Xiao, Henglin
2019Experimental Investigation on Fracture Evolution in Sandstone Containing an Intersecting Hole under Compression Using DIC TechniqueWu, Hao; Zhao, Guoyan; Liang, Weizhang; Wang, Enjie; Ma, Shaowei
2019Experimental Investigation of the Shear Behavior of a Concrete Beam without Web Reinforcements Using External Vertical Prestressing RebarsXue, Xingwei; Wang, Xuan; Hua, Xudong; Wu, Meizhong; Wu, Longqing
2019Prediction of the Shear Failure of Opened Rock Fractures and Implications for Rock Slope Stability EvaluationLi, Yingchun
2019Influence of Rock Strength on the Propagation of Slotted Cartridge Blasting-Induced Directional CracksShu, Yun; Shao, Peng; Chao, Dong; Cao, Zhen; Yi, Xinwei