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Kết quả 1-10 của 11.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Experimental Study on the Structural Performance Degradation of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete BeamsJu-Seong, Jung; Lee, Bang Yeon; Kang-Seok, Lee
2019Experimental Research and Theoretical Analysis of the Seismic Behavior of Prefabricated Semirigid Steel Frame with X-Shaped BracesYang, Rongqian; Zhou, Xuejun
2019Parametric Study on the Seismic Response of Steel-Framed Buildings with Self-Centering Tension-Only BracesPei, Chi; Tian, Wenlong; Guo, Tong; Cao, Dafu; Dong, Jun
2019Experimental Study on the Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers Strengthened by BFRP SheetsLi, Yong; Xie, Meng-Fei; Liu, Jing-Bo
2019Fragility Analysis of a Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge Based on Structural Health Monitoring DataCheng, Yuyao; Zhang, Jian; Wu, Jiajia
2019A Framework to Assess the Seismic Resilience of Urban HospitalsYu, Peng; Wen, Weiping; Ji, Duofa; Zhai, Changhai; Xie, Lili
2019Experimental Research on Antiseismic Performance of High-Strength Concrete High-Shear Walls with Built-In Steel PlatesYu, Yu; Gan, Min; Zhang, Yan; Li, Liren; Zhang, Huakun
2019Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Bolt Connections in a Low-Rise Precast Wall Panel Structure SystemGuo, Wei; Zhai, Zhipeng; Yu, Zhiwu; Chen, Feng; Gong, Yongzhi
2019Multidimensional Fragility Analysis for a NEES Frame Structure by Integrating a New Energy Damage Index: Cumulative Plastic StrainWang, Qiang; Wu, Ziyan
2019Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Prefabricated Utility TunnelXu, Duan; Dong, Qi; Ye, Wanjun