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Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Energy Evolution and Mechanical Features of Granite Subjected to Triaxial Loading-Unloading CyclesFeng Pei; Ji, Hongguang; Zhang, Tongzhao
2019Modeling the Resilient Modulus Variation of In Situ Soils due to Seasonal Moisture Content VariationsGaspard, Kevin; Zhang, Zhongjie; Gautreau, Gavin; Hanifa, Khalil; Zapata, Claudia E, ... [et al.]
2019Model Tests of Earth Pressure on Buried Rigid Pipes and Flexible Pipes underneath Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)Ma, Qiang; Ku, Zhun; Xiao, Henglin
2019Enhancing Constitutive Models for Soils: Adding the Capability to Model Nonlinear Small Strain in ShearSeyedan, S; Sołowski, W T
2019Effect of Improvement and Application of Composite Prefabricated Vertical Drain Method in Marine Soft Ground: A Case StudyJiang, Jianqing; Liu, Reqiang
2019Effects of the Loading and Unloading Conditions on Crack Propagation in High Composite Slope of Deep Open-Pit MineChang, Zhiguo; Cai, Qingxiang; Jiskani, Izhar Mithal; Wang, Rui
2019Geomaterials in Geotechnical EngineeringDeng, Yongfeng; Zhou, Annan; Yu, Xinbao; Chen, Yonggui; Zhang, Dingwen
2019Experimental Study on Compression and Intrinsic Permeability Characteristics of Municipal Solid WasteZeng, Gang; Ma, Jun; Hu, Dan; Wang, Jing
2019Prediction Method for Overconsolidation Ratio of Marine SoftSoil Based on the Piezocone Penetration TestsFu, Yanbin; Zhang, Sizhan; Lv, Guiyang; Han, Kaihang
2019Experimental Study on Variation Law and Mechanism of Soil Shear Strength Parameters along the SlopeWang, Yanhai; Li, Jianlin; Jiang, Qiao; Huang, Yisheng; Li, Xinzhe