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Kết quả 1-10 của 26.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019Calculation and Control Methods for Equivalent Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Based on Nonuniform Distribution of StressYao, Yongsheng; Qian, Junfeng; Li, Jue; Zhang, Anshun; Peng, Junhui
2019Damage Concentration Effect of Multistory Buckling-Restrained Braced FramesWang, Hanqin; Feng, Yulong; Wu, Jing; Jiang, Qing; Chong, Xun
2018Critical Success Factors for Safety Management of High-Rise Building Construction Projects in ChinaLi, Yadi; Yan, Ning; Wei, Tong Chen
2019Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Structural Engineering: A Bibliometric Analysis of the LiteratureVilutiene, Tatjana; Kalibatiene, Diana; Hosseini, M Reza; Pellicer, Eugenio
2019Cracking Behaviors and Mechanical Properties of Rock-Like Specimens with Two Unparallel Flaws under Conventional Triaxial CompressionLe, Huilin; Sun, Shaorui; Xu, Chenghua; Li, Liuyang; Liu, Yong
2019Experimental Study on the Deterioration Rules of Anchoring Performance of Rock Mass under Different Joints DistributionDing, Wantao; Hou, Minglei; Chen, Lei; Liu, Keqi; Chen, Rui [et al.]
2019Experimental Investigation of the Deformation Characteristics of Tianjin Clays under Coupled Dynamic Stress and Seepage FieldsLei, Huayang; Feng, Shuangxi; Jia, Rui; Jiang, Mingjing
2019Experimental Investigation of the Permeability Measurement of Radial Flow through a Single Rough Fracture under Shearing ActionTan, Ran; Chai, Junrui; Cao, Cheng
2019Experimental Investigation of the Shear Behavior of a Concrete Beam without Web Reinforcements Using External Vertical Prestressing RebarsXue, Xingwei; Wang, Xuan; Hua, Xudong; Wu, Meizhong; Wu, Longqing
2019Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Regional Concrete Spalling on Shield Tunnel SegmentsWang, Shimin; Liu, Chuankun; Ma, Gaoyu; Cao, Songyu; Zhang, Junbo